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Tutorial: Bon Bon Box

  1. Read time: 1 minute
  2. Written by: CraftersCompanion


Carole has created a fabulous tutorial for this fabulous bon bon holder. Make lots of them for your friends and family and fill them with their favourite sweet treats!

Crafter’s Companion Supplies


Step 3

Step 1: Print papers from the CD onto the piece of Centura Pearl, to create a piece of double sided card.

Step 2: Cut the long edge down to 8¼”, to create a square. Keep the offcut strip.

Step 3: Place onto Scoremaster, and score at 2¾” and 5½”. Turn 90° and repeat. his creates 9 squares.

Step 4

Step 4: Turn the card over, and score diagonally across the four corner squares.

Step 5

Step 5: Fold and burnish the vertical and horizontal score lines.

Step 6

Step 6: Fold and burnish the diagonal score lines.

Step 7a Step 7b

Step 7: Mark and punch holes ½” along the diagonal lines.

Step 8

Step 8: Using the offcut, cut four 2” squares for matting onto the sides of the box. From the remaining card, use Die’sire Flowers for All Occasions 3 to cut flowers for decoration.

Step 9

Step 9: Thread the ribbon outside to in, then inside to out. Repeat on other two corners. Pull the box together with the ribbon, and tie in a bow.

Have fun making some of these!

Share your projects and cards with us on our Facebook page, tag us on Instagram (#crafterscompanion) or on Twitter (@CraftersCompUK)!

  1. Papercraft
  2. Party & Gifting
  3. Scoring

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