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Box instructions

  1. Read time: 2 minutes
  2. Written by: Sara.Davies

Hi everyone! I’m just sitting in the cafe at the Create & Craft studios having a cuppa between shows, and I thought I would share the instructions / sizes with you for the projects I’ve made during today’s shows…

Firstly, at noon with Dean, I made this fabulous exploding box…



I started with 2 sheets of the new Centura Pearl Snow White Hint of Silver A3 cut to 10.5×10.5″ and then the second just a fraction smaller (10.25×10.25″). Score all 4 sides on the Boxer Board on box base at 3.5″ then cut away the corners to form a cross. Stick the 2 crosses inside each other and decorate.

For the lid, start with a piece of card cut to 6.5×6.5″ and score at 1.5″ on box lid.

Then in thisafternoons show with Martyn I made this fabulous stack of drawers… (being expertly modelled by Magic Hands!)


For the outside part of the box, you need to start with a sheet of A4 Snow White Centura Pearl – (again I used the hint of silver option) and cut it to 15.5cm wide (I did one project in metric and one in imperial to please everyone!). Then on the box making panel on the Ultimate Pro score on box base line 5, then fold and burnish, then again line 5, repeat the drill 4 times and it should form the outside of the box (and obviously this is my finished on here that I have decorated)


Then for the inside drawers – the large ones are all made with pieces of card cut to 11.25cm square, and scored on box lid on the 2nd line, and the top and bottom pieces start as 8.75cm square and are scored on box lid line 1.

Then you stick them in place however you want inside, here’s how I did mine on the show…


Everything I’ve made on the shows today has been sent out to the lovely people who emailed in. I’ve got some more fabulous demonstrations planned for my show at 6pm, which is my last show before Christmas! So I hope you can join myself and Hayley and if you’ve got any questions or things you would like us to cover, then please do email the studio and we’ll do our best to cover as much as we can in the hour.

Enjoy! More updates to follow soon! Sara xx

  1. Papercraft
  2. Quick Craft
  3. Scoring

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